Leaked Images For Next iPhone: Most Likely Is Fake

It’s that time of the year again where rumors and leaked images start popping up around the web and everybody starts to lose their minds. And it so happens that this crazy phenomena applies to Apple products. Case in point – We’ve been seeing a lot of this image around the web claiming that it is the packaging for the highly rumored and speculated budget iPhone. Something that Apple has been interested in dipping their feet in the budget smartphone market.


The image above came from China on a Chinese forum site called WeiPhone. It seems believable though – it has the soft round edges on the packaging, the font and the emblazoned logo. Everything except for the actual iPhone. This image fueled further rumors that Apple is going to release its low end iPhone – the iPhone 5C (c for cheap) – somewhere in early September.

If the having a budget iPhone and the image above makes you excited and eager about getting your hands on it, we would like to point that China is pretty much a copyright infringement haven. This could just possibly be a fake iPhone that some company is marketing in China.

Check out other fake products that has been in China


I think you get the point



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